Lockdown From Thursday 5th November

Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday of a second lockdown, it is with sadness that we have to announce that our Masjid will again be required to close to the general public.

As the lockdown comes into effect from Thursday 5th November, the last salaah that will be prayed in the Masjid in jamaa’ah will be Isha salaah on Wednesday 4th November, until further notice.

We support the call from various Muslim organisations who are calling for an urgent review to allow congregational prayers to continue to be allowed.

Please note:

  • The madrassah has continued to run online since the first lockdown in March and so there are no changes to how the madrassah operates.
  • As before, there will be a very small group of people who will continue to pray the 5 daily jamaah in the masjid. There will be no access to anyone else.
  • The weekly talks are also suspended for attendance in the masjid although they will be broadcast online for you to listen to at home.
  • All salaah, Jumma speech, Jumma khutbah, and talks will be broadcast online at www.chingfordmasjid.org/live

We will provide an update on the website as further developments occur.