Live Audio Stream

We are very pleased to announce that, insha-Allah, during the month of Ramadan, we will be live streaming all five daily salaah, taraweeh, Jumma, and any talks given in the masjid. Please share the page with all your family and friends.

Throughout the month, we will be monitoring the quality of the service and the number of listeners that tune in to listen. Depending on the take-up, we may consider continuing with it longer term. However, we can only justify the costs involved if there are enough listeners, so please tune in regularly.

If you have an internet radio device (such as Pure, Roberts, Ocean, etc) you can add the Chingford Masjid live audio stream to it using the settings below. Please check the user guide of your device for instructions on how to do this.

Address:   Port: 80
Address:   Port: 8784

Please note that we do not stream 24/7 so if there is no sound then please try again nearer salaah times or at the time of any event announced on the website.

We welcome your thoughts and comments on this service via the contact form.