Eid-ul-Fitr Announcement

Insha-Allah Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Friday 15th June 2018.

Eid salaah will be at:

  • 1st Jamaah will be at 5:15am
  • 2nd Jamaah will be at 6:15am
  • 3rd Jamaah will be at 7:00am

Fajr on Eid day only will be at 4:15am.

In addition, alternative arrangements have been made by Higham Hill Muslim Community Trust at Walthamstow Academy, Billet Road, Walthamstow  E17 5DP. There will only be one jamaah there at 6:30am with no wudu facilities and no arrangements for fajr.

Please ensure that you pay your sadqatul-fitr before Eid day.

See also: Sadqatul-fitr and Fidyah