As previously announced, Eid-ul-Adha will, insha-allah, be on Tuesday 21st August 2018. The timings for Eid salaah will be as follows:
- 1st at 6:15am – Led by Imam Mizan Quddus in English and Arabic
- 2nd at 7:00am – Led by Maulana Abdul Quddus in Arabic
- 3rd at 7:45am – Led by Hafiz Limbada in Arabic
Fajr salaah will be at the normal time of 5:20am.
If you haven’t already made arrangements for your qurbani to be performed, we can arrange for a large animal (consisting of 7 shares) to be sacrificed for you in India for £100. Please contact Brother Ismail Chapti in the masjid before 18th August.
Alternatively, you can arrange it through Ummah Welfare Trust ( or from the local halal butchers, Eesa Halal Meat who can be contacted on 020 8503 3232.
See also: Eid-ul-Adha 2018 and Qurbani 2018