Insha-Allah Eid-ul-Fitr will be on either Tuesday 4th June 2019 or Wednesday 5th June 2019. Please check for an announcement on the website after maghrib salah on Monday 3rd June 2019.
Whichever day Eid falls on, below are the times of the Eid salah. NOTE: These are new times compared to the ones originally published in the Ramadan timetable.
- 1st salah at 5:15am
- 2nd salah at 6:00am
- 3rd salah at 6:45am
Fajr salah on Eid day will be at 4:20am.
Please try to come to the masjid on foot so as not to cause a disturbance to our neighbours early in the morning.
Additionally, alternative arrangements have been made by Higham Hill Muslim Community Trust at Walthamstow Academy, Billet Road, Walthamstow E17 5DP. There will only be one jamaah there at 6:45am with no wudu facilities and no arrangements for fajr.
Sadqatul-fitr is £3 per person (including new born children) and must be paid before your Eid salah. However, we recommend that you pay it as early as possible so that those eligible to receive it, can receive it before Eid day.