Pre-booking System for Jumma

In order to better manage the way musallees attend the masjid for Jumma salaah, from this week’s Jumma salaah (24th July onwards), all spaces will need to be pre-booked. This has a number of benefits for you as well as the Masjid:

  • No long queues. You arrive a few minutes before the doors open for the salaah you have booked, show your ticket to the volunteer to scan, and go straight in.
  • If you have started working again then you do not need to have an extended lunch break to attend Jumma salaah.
  • No need to give your details at the door as this is all collected securely when you book your space.
  • Reduced risk of contamination.
  • Helps us to plan how many salaah are needed.

How Does it Work?

  1. The booking form will open on Tuesday each week for the Jumma of the same week.
  2. Visit and read it carefully.
  3. Click the ‘Book Your Space’ button and complete all three pages of the booking form.
  4. Your tickets will be displayed and will also emailed to you.
  5. On the day of Jumma, arrive up to 5 minutes before the door opening time shown on your ticket.
  6. The volunteer will scan your ticket to check you in as you enter the Masjid.

What about Eid salaah?

InshaAllah we will adopt the same booking system for Eid salaah as well. The booking form for Eid salaah will open on Friday 24th July.