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Planning Decision

Alhamdulillah, with the grace and blessings of Allah SWT we are proud to announce that the Waltham Forest Planning Committee approved our planning application for the E4 Learning Hub at no 90 Chingford Mount Road.

The Trustees would like to thank all the Councillors and parliamentary representatives who have supported our plan as well as all the members of the community who have continued to help and support us in this matter.

We would like to clarify that this is NOT an extension of the Masjid but a community centre for the benefit of ALL those that live in the area. As such we cannot perform salaah there but we can have madrassah classes and other activities that benefit the people of our locality.

Some of the activities that we will inshaAllah be running include:

  • Older person’s social events
  • Citizenship classes
  • Women’s language classes
  • Homework club
  • Tuition classes
  • Youth programmes
  • and other activities for the whole community

The plan also includes a 2 storey residence above the learning centre accessible from the main road and a new modern frontage.

We ask that you continue to support us with this endeavour to make it a success.