Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabatakatu,
It is with sadness that we have to announce that all services at Chingford Islamic Society is suspended again despite our reopening only yesterday.
Unfortunately, some trustees and members of the community have changed the locks on the masjid and are claiming ownership of the building. We are seeking legal advice and are aiming to reopen as soon as the situation is resolved.
In the meantime, please be advised that any activities that may be taking place in the building are not operated by Chingford Islamic Society and that the safeguards that we normally operate to with regards liability insurance, risk assessments, COVID-19 reopening procedures etc, are no longer in force.
Please also note that any donations that are made by cash or in person in the Masjid are not going towards lillah funds for the operation of the Masjid. We advise you to only donate directly via this website at
In light of this we have also had to cancel the online booking system for Jumma salaah tomorrow.
We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and distress this causes to our local community – especially having been closed due to the second lockdown – but until the situation is resolved through the legal process, we have no other option but to suspend services.