We are collecting sadqatul-fitr and fidyah payments in the masjid to be sent to more needy parts of the world. Please see Br Ismail Chapti in the masjid to make […]
Live Audio Stream
We are very pleased to announce that, insha-Allah, during the month of Ramadan, we will be live streaming all five daily salaah, taraweeh, Jumma, and any talks given in the masjid.
Notification of Ramadan
The moon has not been sighted in Saudi Arabia today and so insha-Allah Ramadan 1439 will commence on the night of Wednesday 16th May 2018. Read more for details.
Ramadan and Taraweeh
InshaAllah the blessed month of Ramadan will commence on either Wednesday 16th May or Thursday 17th May. Please check our website on the evening of Tuesday 15th May where we will confirm the date.
Madressah Opening and Closure Dates 2018-19
View the dates that the madressah is open and closed